Friday, May 4, 2012

Cerveja Baden Baden 1999

To put it midldy, I am a Baden Baden fan.  If you have read any of this blog you know that the 2nd highest rated beer is the Baden Baden Red Ale.  I think I had some lofty goals for the 1999, which, to my dismay, were very unsatisfied.  I fancied this beverage to have a strong-ale style based on the description of the beer and my love of Baden Baden.  Once I had opened the cerveja, I realized how off the mark my opinion had been.  The beer almost tasted flat with a subtle sense of hops that didn’t sit well.  I honestly thought that beer was bad, but I kept drinking.  The beer eventually started to level off and I began to taste a bit of flavor, but I partial think that was wishful thinking.  Not to say I won’t have a Baden Baden again, but I don’t think I will be having the 1999.  

KOP Rating : 5.5/10