Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cervaja Itaipava

Something like the Keystone light of cheap beers, and if you know how much I love Beer Pong, then this is actual a pretty decent beer (if you want to drink a lot of cheap beer).  With only a 4.5% alcohol content, Itaipava lets you enjoy the day as much as beverage itself.  A crisp finish, reminiscent of a chilled wind in spring, allows the smooth clean taste to subdue your senses into believing this is more than just an inexpensive pilsner.  Don't fool yourself, it's a passing feeling.  But with a price-tag of $1.49 reals for 473 mL, it's a beer that you can't really pass up.

KOP Rating 4/10


  1. Now this is more like it KOP! Noelle and I were bemoaning the lack of detail and elegant stories to accompany your first beer review. We both agreed that you should include some kind of great story, funny tale, or additional detail to really liven up the reviews. I think this is a great step in the right direction. Love the reviews (even if we can't go out and buy the beers to judge their accuracy)! Who knows... even though they won't let you work, maybe you can build a reputation as a famous critic and people will give you free food, beer, etc. to enjoy their restaurants and bars. I think this might be a loophole to the system. Although you wouldn't be getting paid, you guys would be getting free food and drinks (which in my book, is as good as money). Miss you guys and keep them coming!

  2. Chilled wind in spring indeed! Love it KOP. Makes me want to go buy a half-rack of the brew.


  3. So rad L! This weekend, I was talking about half-racks of beer and people were looking at me like I was crazy. Hell, they didn't even know what a Spodi (they call is jungle juice) was either? I've begun to realize we really are our own bred in the PNW! Glad you liked the post and I'm sure we'll have an Itaipava in about 2 weeks.
