Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Baden Baden Red Ale

When I first came to Brazil, I was very disappointed in the variety of beer selection available (albeit, I probably wasn't looking to hard, but still).  It was not until I was out at dinner with some friends when I first heard the words "Baden Baden" mentioned.  Up to this point, beers with names such as Skol, Brahama, Bohemian, and Orginal, dominated the conversations, not Baden Baden.  When I asked where I could get such a beer, they told me it was available right down the street at our local Super Nosso and I went off to find it.  Let me tell you friends, I was no longer disappointed in Brazilian beer.

From the first swig of the high octane 9.2% behemoth, I was transported back state-side to where beers had a certain power and passion.  I was instantly drawn to the tones of toffee and the floral hops, which I was not familiar with accompanying a red ale, but oh, how I enjoyed them so.  With a price of around $10 reals, this isn't your everyday kind of beer, but Baden Baden Red Ale is a beverage I would love to sneak into a suitcase to share with loved ones back home.

KOP rating 8.5/10

1 comment:

  1. Now that sounds like something I'd enjoy! After a long weekend at Oktoberfest drinking Coors Lights (and everything else under the sun), a good, strong beer is just what the doctor ordered.

