Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cerveja Bohemia Pilsner

My experience with Bohemia pilsner started when I went into the local Super Nosso and I saw a Bohemia booth in the beer section. For some reason, no one was present at the booth, but from what I could make out in Portuguese was if you purchased a half-rack (12-pack for those not familiar with the nomenclature) you received a free goblet.  This sounded like a good deal to me. I went up to the grabbed my half-rack and headed to the checkout counter to pay for my beverages and acquire my goblet.  Well, this is where it gets interesting.  Since no one was actual at the booth to give me the glass, I literally had to talk (if you could call it that) to about 5 different people before I could get anyone to actual help me.  I think they thought I would just leave, but little did the know how stubborn a foreigner who doesn't really understand the language can be.  Most the employees laughed at me, but after about 15 minutes, I was able to walk out of the store with my newly acquired goblet and ready for a Bohemia.  

After the first sip of this delightful beverage, I could tell it was a beer I would enjoy drinking on a warm day. The light floral aroma of hops mingled with the European malts was akin to slow Brazilian samba.  With a price-tag of around 1.99 reals for 355 ml, it's a beer that you can drink more regularly, even more so if you have a nice goblet! 

KOP Rating 4.5/10

1 comment:

  1. Brazilians love to laugh at foreigners. On another note, I drank out of that goblet!
