Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cerveja Backer Medieval

I guess I would have to say that slowly but surely I am become a Backer fan.  Not so much in there regular line (although the Pale is very good, obviously not so much with the Pilsner) but more of the off-shoots.  Backer Medieval is a cerveja that is truly unique to Brazil.  To start with, the beverage is topped with a wax seal.  I suppose this is so you can burn the wax to make you feel as though you entered a dingy tavern in middle ages.  As you can see, I clearly just popped the seal and the results were the same for me.  A golden belgian-style ale mingled with a fruity aroma and marked with the scent of clove.  I'd say the folks a Backer have some kind of alchemy going on with this one, but what do I know of Brazilian Monks..?

KOP Rating 6.5/10

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