Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cerveja Chopp Soft Beer (aka - Choppy in a bottle)

One night, after we had been drinking and eating with friends at Mambo, a fantastic restaurant (but that's another story), we decided to go to a bar called Leo Gourmet.  Most everyone was very excited to eat some frango fritas (little fried chicken dollops) and have cheap Heineken.  Well, when we arrived at the bar, we noticed that they had a beer marketed as "Chopp in a bottle" and thought, hell, let's give it a shot. 

So, let me start by saying that this is probably one of the worst beers I have had in a long time.  First of all, anything that has the word "soft" in it and isn't referring to ice cream or fountain drinks isn't going to be good.  Second, well, it was flat, like Kansas flat.  Lastly, you can't have a Chopp in a bottle, it just doesn't work. 

KOP Rating : 1/10

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